Circles are where we come together with others to share, to hold, and to be held. They can be so deeply nourishing and a real opportunity to connect with yourself and those in space with you. I run regular circle at Gullivers in West Moors, but I am also open to facilitating smaller circles on request. As always, just drop me a line!

Pregnancy circles

Pregnant woman sat smiling and drinking tea

Pregnancy is a time of huge transition and with so much noise coming at you from all angles, it’s ok to slow down, to take stock, and to share where you’re at without fear of judgement or a monsoon of unsolicited advice.

Join us, in circle every other Tuesday evening at 7pm, as we hold space for you, exactly as you are. Herbal soothing tea provided.

Circles are 1.5 hours and held in Gullivers Wellness Yurt in West Moors. Please drop me a line to book your first circle for free.

Postpartum circles

Salt bowl with talking stick and herbs

Join us in circle every other wednesday at 10.30am as we honour all that the fourth trimester brings. The tears, the exhaustion, the love, the joy, the worry…all of it is welcome - all of you is welcome.

This hour and a half is an opportunity to share openly about your postpartum experience, to feel held and connected to others who are on their own postpartum journey, to relax and bond with your baby, and to tap into that creativity that often eeks away in the haze of early parenting.

Yoga mats are provided, but please bring blankets, cushions, and anything else that will help you feel relaxed and comfortable. Circles are 1.5 hours and held in Gullivers Wellness Yurt in West Moors. Please drop me a line to book your first circle for free.